

Biotratamiento de efluentes secundarios municipales utilizando microalgas: Efecto del pH, nutrientes (C, N y P) y enriquecimiento con CO2

Abstract: Thi s revi ew discusses microal gae assi mi lati on of C, N and P as affected by pH -dependent factors ( solubi li ty, ionization state and bioavailability) and CO 2 enrichment in tertiary water treatment during microalgae biomass pr

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Macroalgas, microalgas y cianobacterias epífitas del pasto marino Thalassia testudinum (Tracheophyta: Alismatales) en Veracruz y Quintana Roo, Atlántico mexicano

Abstract: The seagrass Thalassia testudinum harbors a high specific richness of epiphytic algae due to its morphology and abundance on the coast of the Mexican Atlantic. Epiphytic algae are an important component because o f its taxonomic composition a

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Origen y evolución del giro ciclónico de la Bahía de Campeche, Golfo de México

Abstract: The ocean is characterized by a circulation dominated by vortex of different sizes; the vortex pl ay a very important role in the oceanic climate as they transport energy, mass and organisms. Their study is therefore of fir st importance to understand the

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Respuesta de la abundancia y estructura de tamaño del bacterioplancton a diferentes condiciones oceanográficas en bahía Chipana (21°20’S)

Abstract: The relationship between bacterioplankton and oceanographic conditions of an upwelling area of no rthern Chile was analyzed, during two contrasting seasons, emphasizing an approach based in the abundance and size st ructure. The

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Distribución, densidad, proporción sexual y fecundidad de Belzebub faxoni (Decapoda, Luciferidae) en el Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano, SO del Golfo de México

Abstract: The distribution, density, biomass, sex ratio and fecundity of Belzebub faxoni in the Veracruz Reef System National Park, southwest of the Gulf of Mexico, were analysed. The collection of biological samples was conducted o n a motorboat wi

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Oceanographic conditions and marine mammals: identifying a potential relationship in the coastal region of the Mexican Central Pacific

Resumen: Se investigaron las condiciones oceanográficas que podrían influir en la riqueza y distribución d e mamíferos marinos en costas del Pacífico Central Mexicano durante el 2011. Las observaciones de mamíferos marinos se r ealizaron

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Situación actual del recurso pepino de mar en el Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano, México

Abstract: Throughout snorkeling and scuba diving ten study zones (sampling banks established in previous re search by Instituto Nacional de Pesca - INAPESCA) were evaluated where the presence of the sea cucumber was reported. By line tran

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Comparison of parasite diversity of intertidal fish assemblages from central California and central Chile

Resumen: Las costas de Chile y California central representan importantes puntos de comparación para el estudio de convergencias ecológicas como la composición de parásitos en distintos hospederos. Ambas costas presentan similares condicion

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Variación interanual en la dieta invernal del flamenco chileno Phoenicopterus chilensis (Aves: Phoenicopteriformes) en el humedal marino de Bahía Caulín , Chiloé, sur de Chile

Abstract: The Chilean flamingo ( Phoenicopterus chilensis ) is an endemic aquatic bird of South America. In Chile, it is found in both highland lagoons as well as in marine wetlands. Nevertheless, dietary studies in marine environments are scarce. This

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Variaciones temporales de las defensas antioxidantes e índices proteína:ADN y ARN:ADN en el poliqueto Eurythoe complanata

Abstract: Some antioxidant responses and molecular index of growth (protein:DNA and RNA:DNA) were determin ed in the polychaete Eurythoe complanata collected from Gulf of Cariaco (Venezuela) during December 2009 (26.03 ± 0.64°C), February (23.96 ± 0.67°C), June (27.

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Pilot-scale production of the rotifer Brachionus sp. under different culture systems

Resumen: Pequeños Brachionus sp. (130-230 μm) en 2011-2012 y superpequeños Brachionus sp. (110-140 μm) en 2013-2014, se cultivaron en un sistema por lotes (ciclos de 3 o 4 días) y en sistemas semi-continuos. Para la alim entación de rotíferos se usaron microal

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Análisis de la comunidad de peces de descarte en la pesca de arrastre de camarón (temporada de lluvias 2013) en la zona centro-sur del litoral veracruzano, México

Abstract: The brown shrimp ( Penaeus aztecus ) fishery is the most important in the Gulf of Mexico. This fishery takes non-target species or by-catch fauna, mainly teleost fishes, which are incidentally captured. Some of the by-ca tch species

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Changes in fish community structures in a coastal lagoon in the Gulf of California, México

Resumen: Las lagunas costeras se caracterizan por su alta diversidad, riqueza y abundancia de peces, las c uales pueden ser modificadas por la variabilidad de las condiciones ambientales. El presente estudio tiene como objet ivo describi

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Preferencia y tolerancia térmica de juveniles de chita Anisotremus scapularis (Pisces: Haemulidae)

Abstract: Thermal preference and tolerance of juvenile Anisotremus scapularis (Pisces: Haemulidae) at different acclimation temperatures (14, 17 and 22°C) were evaluated in order to estimate the optimum temperature and the t hermal tolerance limits of this

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A bloom of Azadinium polongum in coastal waters off Peru

Resumen: Las especies dinofíceas del género Azadinium son conocidas por la producción potencial de azaspirácidos (AZAs), un grupo de toxinas microalgales que pueden causar intoxicación a través de mariscos. El incremento de registros gl

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Efecto de la temperatura y salinidad en el crecimiento larval de Litopenaeus vannamei

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of 12 combinations of salinity and temperatu re on larval growth of Litopenaeus vannamei , starting in nauplius V (NV) and ending at postlarva (PL1), a process which lasted seven days. The


Primer registro de la asociación de Synalpheus herricki y S. pandionis con Aiolochroia crassa en el parque nacional arrecife Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, México

Abstract: The crustaceans from the Alpheidae family often have relation with other sessile marine invertebr ates, particularly with sponges. The aim of this work was to know the number de individual, measures and sex ratio of t he species of alpheids t


Nuevo registro de Ulva australis (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) en el norte de Chile

Abstract: The diversity of the genus Ulva in South American waters is matter of debate. Specimens of Ulva sp. were collected in northern Chile and analyzed using sequences of rbc L and tuf A genes in combination with morphological observations.


Dieta del pato quetru no volador Tachyeres pteneres en un humedal marino de Chiloé, sur de Chile

Abstract: The Magellanic Flightless Steamer Duck ( Tachyeres pteneres ) is the only marine anatid founded along the coastline of Chile and Argentina, from Valdivia to Tierra del Fuego. There is little published information about the quanti


Screening for WSSV in crustacean from marine areas of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Abstract: In total 374 specimens corresponding to four species of shrimp: Artemesia longinaris , Pleoticus muelleri , Peisos petrunkevitchii , Palaemon macrodactylus , and two species of crabs: Neohelice granulata and Cyrtograpsus angulatus were stud


A first experience of Patagonian sprat Sprattus fuegensis spawning in captivity: Adult acclimation, egg and larval measurements

Abstract: Relevant traits of eggs and larvae of Patagonian sprat ( Sprattus fuegensis ), obtained from adult reproduction in captivity conditions, were studied. Temperature for adult acclimation and for incubation of eggs and larvae wa s not controlled; however it



Criterios de Evaluación
Criterios Básicos de Admisión Criterios Básicos de Admisión
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
Criterios Altamente Valorados / Criterios Deseables Criterios Cualitativos
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
Criterios Altamente Valorados Cuantitativos
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}